Navigating a modern world of storm water compliance.
Storm water compliance is rapidly changing and becoming more complex, yet still remaining accessible thanks to advanced technologies, AI, years of trial & error, genius inventions born out of necessity, and the creativity of individuals working to advance the storm water community. Storm water compliance has come a long way from the 1990s, and in this year's Storm Water Awareness Week we will be exploring compliance in our modern age which is rooted in years of progress and ingenuity.
Some compliance aspects are tried and still hold true, other things like technology and BMPs have been adapted and customized for optimal performance, and the regulatory aspect of storm water has been growing and changing too. But overall, the way things have always been done to achieve storm water compliance in the past are rapidly being outdated, it's time to step into the new era of modern compliance.
Bonus perk - it's completely free!
to anyone, anywhere

Get Involved
Storm Water Awareness Week 2025 is in the planning stage and we would love your involvement in the planning process. This is a community led event, and as such, we would love to hear from the community in regards to areas training that they would like to see incorporated in 2025, topics of interest, host recommendations, regional spotlight locations, and more.
Please fill out the below form and give us your ideas!
Register to Attend a Storm Water Awareness Week Workshop
2025 Workshops will be available to browse and register for mid 2025.
Who would benefit from these workshops?
We're so glad you asked! These workshops are beneficial for anyone dealing with storm water under the Construction General Permit, the Industrial General Permit, the Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System Permit, and the general public.... There's something for everyone.
Get a taste of what Storm Water Awareness Week involves by browsing through some of our past events
How can I get involved?
Storm Water Awareness Week is powered by people like you! It's a completely free event - no money changes hands anywhere. So in order for this event to work, we need people like you to help! Register to host a workshop, attend a workshop(s), and spread the word!
Want to find out more? Feel free to contact us...

It's super simple! All you have to do is give a1-hour online workshop on a relevant storm water topic. We do all the hard work for you.
You just show up and present!
Before registering, here are the requirements:
1. Must be 1 hour (45 minutes with time for questions is the minimum time threshold)
2. Must be relevant to the industrial, construction, and municipal storm water sectors as regulated by federal NPDES permits and state permits.
3. Must be educational, this is not a tradeshow promotional talk. It needs to be 95% education to 5% promotion